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Busy Mom Blog
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Control Freak? No, not me. O.k., well, maybe. I've been thinking a lot lately about the busy schedules moms have and how to simplify them, or at least get the laundry done and dishes put away while keeping up with it. While going over my own schedule and chores to be done, I have to wonder how much of this I bring on myself? How much more would get done if I would let just a little control go?

Maybe instead of sitting at open tumbling on Saturday for two hours with my 13yo, I could let go a little, and leave her there with her very capable instructor and get a load of laundry done and the floor vacuumed? Does being a good mother mean I have to be there every moment of the day?

Maybe, instead of sitting in the waiting room at karate while my 8yo son practices, I could run to the grocery and pick up those few items I need to finish dinner? If I did, I'm make it home at least a half hour earlier in the evening and have time to unload the dishwasher.

And then there is delegating chores. Does it really matter if the dishwasher isn't loaded perfectly? Why can't I delegate that to my kids? Is it really quicker just to do it myself, or am I cheating myself and the kids here?

And maybe, just maybe, if I'd quit spending time overanalyzing myself and my life and spend more time living, I could really get more done? Hmmmm........maybe.
Posted by Gayle at 2/12/2006 10:47:00 AM


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