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Busy Mom Blog
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Here are some money saving recipes for wipes I've collected over time. The directions are the same no matter what kind you make. Cut the roll of paper towels in half. Mix the ingredients well in the plastic container(I like to recycle emptied baby wipe boxes), soak the towels in the ingredients. When the towels are well saturated, the cardboard in the middle shoud come right out. Pull from the center so you can use the wipes from the center out. Pull your center wipe through the hole on the recycled wipe box.

Use a brand name towel because the cheap ones will fall apart on you as you try to take them out of the box.

Baby Wipes
1 roll bounty paper towels
2 tablespoons baby bath soap
1 tablespoon baby oil
2 cups water (you can use distilled or nursery water if you'd like. I just use it from the tap) Warm water will help the ingredients mix better

Multi-Purpose Wipes
1 roll bounty paper towels
1/4 cup multi-purpose cleaner
2 cups water
Car Cleaner Wipes
1 roll bounty paper towels
1/4 cup armour all cleaner
2 cups water

Window Wipes
1 roll bounty paper towels
1/2 cup vinegar
2 cups water

I'll add more of this type of thing as I find them.
Posted by Gayle at 3/21/2006 01:03:00 PM


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