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Busy Mom Blog: The World Can Wait.........
Friday, October 20, 2006
The World Can Wait.........
Yes, it can. The world will wait. The dishes will wait. The laundry will wait. And it did. All week long.

While I took my daughter and three of her best friends to the mall and dinner in celebration of her fourteenth birthday.

While I went to soccer practice with my son and cheered from the sidelines just as enthusiastically as I would have if it were a game. It all waited while I watched my daughter cheer for her last football game as an eighth grader.

While I helped my son pick out a movie and other goodies with his birthday money at "the department store who shall not be named."

It was still there when I finished checking homework and discussing with my son how his anxiety attacks have really lessened over the last month or so, or when my daughter's best friend brought over her homemade birthday gift(a wonderful collage to their friendship).

And it's Friday now. I've packed their bags to go to their dad's house. My daughter will celebrate her birthday there this weekend. As I finish up working for the week and start to close up shop-so to speak-I take a quick look around. Yep, it's still there, the laundry, vacuuming, this morning's dishes. It all waited. But my kids wouldn't have. They would have gone on, with or without me there. So now, while they are gone this weekend, I'll get it all caught up, and take a little time for me. Rejeuvenate. Rest. Be an adult. Because Monday starts another week full of times with them that just won't wait, and I wouldn't want them to.

"The work can wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work."
~ Patricia Clafford

Bright Blessings,

Posted by Gayle at 10/20/2006 02:18:00 PM


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