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Busy Mom Blog
Saturday, July 01, 2006
I am thankful......

for three new artsy acquaintances I made today
for my family, kiddos and extended
for the roof over my head
for my health, it may not be the greatest, but it could be a lot, lot worse
for the money I had as extra to spend on paper punches today
that I don't live in California or NY where I'm sure it would have cost me twice as much to fill my tank today.(I'm trying to find the bright side to these gas prices"
for one more day to myself
for the piles of laundry to put away because that means we have plenty to wear an I don't have that much to wash still
for the dishes that need to be washed because we have food for the table
for the lack of air conditioning in my car because it makes me appreciate the air at home that much more
Posted by Gayle at 7/01/2006 11:50:00 PM


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