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Busy Mom Blog
Thursday, August 03, 2006
I always post gratitude reminders on my yahoo group, journalwriters. I'd love to see it become a movement. We call it Thankful Thursday on the group. We always list ten things we have to be thankful for, no matter how small, and share it with the other journal keeprs. So in honor of journalwriters and their faithfulness to gratitude and encouraging abundence in their lives, I'll try to remember to post mine here each week, if not more often. Being a struggling single mom, sometimes it's hard to see all the things I do have to be grateful for when there is so much more I see families with both parents giving their children. So without further delay:

Thankful Thursday--the innagural version on Busy Mom

I am thankful for:

my children
my extended family
that we have a roof over our heads when so many don't
that I don't go to bed each night fearing bombs falling from the sky
for the laundry once again piled up because it means we have plenty to wear
for the dishes sitting in the sink waiting to be loaded into the dishwasher because it means we ate well tonight.
for that one matchbox car that didn't get picked up that I stepped on making my trip in the dark to the bathroom--because it means little man has toys to play with
for ice cold coke on a 100 degree day
for air conditioning-although I can tell ya'll right now I won't be thankful for the bill next month
for those popsicles in the little plastic bag that are so cheap but the kids see as delicacies(and they don't make much of a mess either)

So there's my ten. It came pretty easily today. Some days it's a struggle. But the kids didn't fight a whole lot today, so it left some of my nerves in tact-which helps with the concentration levels.

I thought with them being five years apart they wouldn't fight as much as siblings who are a year or two apart. Buddy, was I wrong! And I'm reminded of it each day as I ring the bell and separate them into their corners of the ring.
Posted by Gayle at 8/03/2006 12:39:00 AM


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