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Busy Mom Blog
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Busy Mom's Top Tips for Surviving The Morning Now That Schools In
Sort of like Ned's Declassified Schools Survival Guide, but not really....

Do as much as possible the night before! Make sure homework and library books are in the backpacks before bedtime. Try to pack as much of your child's lunch as you can.
Set out their clothes the night before. Make sure you both agree on the next day's outfit. It eliminates the inevitable fight the next morning. Nothing is more irritating than fussing with a still sleepy child because he doesn't want to wear what you picked out for him. A big struggle can ruin the whole day for both of you.

Get a routine that works and stick with it. Around here, the kids come home, have a snack, and then do their homework before they play. It eliminates that last minute, "I didn't do my homework!" panic that will certainly happen just after lights out at bedtime or five minutes before time to leave for school in the morning.

Set aside a certain spot for all those papers that come home in their backpacks that you need to see. I've spent way too many mornings searching for the field trip permission slip or the picture form that has to be turned in that day. When the kids do their homework, they empty out the papers they brought home and lay them in a certain spot on my desk. Then when things quiet down for me for the evening, I go through them, sign what needs to be signed, and stick them in their packs. Of course, we still have those days when they swear they layed that paper on my desk and I must have lost it, only for them to find it in their rooms or some remote pocket on their backpack. And you all know, we moms would NEVER misplace anything, so they surely must always have forgotten to put them where they were supposed to. ahem..........

And finally, a safety tip. Please don't hurt yourself doing the happy dance as the bus drives away and you can finally get all that laundry caught up because no one is standing behind you saying, "Mom, I'm bored!!!"

Too bad for me my job is as a daycare provider and I don't get to be childless during the day.

Posted by Gayle at 9/02/2006 06:53:00 PM


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