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Busy Mom Blog
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Gifts That Keep on Giving

My son got a drill for his birthday. Yep, you read it right. My nine-year-old got a drill. He only has the screwdriver tip, though. So I was faced with a dilemma: Take away his favorite birthday present for his safety and my sanity or be the cool mom, teach him to use it safely, and monitor him very closely while he does(how long could his attention span be, anyway?). So what did I do?

I went for the cool mom. What little boy doesn't have a fascination for tools? And most of the stuff he gets keeps his interest for ten minutes or so and then gets pushed aside for the next thing. So tonight we sat on the porch and for TWO HOURS, I kid you not, he screwed and unscrewed the very same screw into the very same piece of scrap wood into the very same spot. The person who got him that is so getting a drum set in return.

He did a good job. Wore his safety goggles and I supervised very carefully. But I am going to be hearing the ringing of that drill in my ears all night long.
Posted by Gayle at 9/06/2006 12:03:00 AM


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